HRT Explained (PDF)
An explanation of the main types of HRT and how it is used.
HRT - Risks and Benefits Explained (PDF)
A simple overview of the risks and benefits of HRT based on the latest research findings.
HRT - Possible Side Effects (PDF)
Possible side effects of HRT to be aware of.
Starting HRT Later (PDF)
The benefits of starting HRT after age 60, or more than 10 years after your menopause.
Mirena Coil For HRT Explained (PDF)
An overview of the Mirena coil and its usage.
Looking After Your Vagina (PDF)
Advice for looking after your vagina.
Lifestyle (PDF)
Lifestyle advice to help women transition through the menopause.
Sleep (PDF)
Lots of useful hints and tips for improving sleep.
Other Useful information and Resources (PDF)
Additional information and resources you may find helpful.